Monday, November 18, 2013

No Excuses!

I'm too tired...I'm don't feel good...I can't do it...etc.etc.etc. I myself have come up with about every excuse under the sun, but truly there are no excuses. Excuses that is, for getting up and moving! In the time it takes you to make the excuse, you could have begun your exercise/activity.

On Friday evening I was honor a man who is a perfect example of "no excuses"! His name is Bob Quick, he has coronary artery disease, has had 16 stents, and a pace maker. He did not use these health concerns as excuses by any means, instead he turned this situation around to be an example of how anyone can get physical! Get physical physical! ;) He and his son Conrad have biked from the West coast to the East coast, from California to Florida. He was told he would not be able to do it, due to his health history, and he has proven many to be wrong! Not only is he doing it and proving many wrong, but he is doing it for charity. An amazing man he is and I was honored to meet him and learn his story.
You can follow the continuation of his journey @

Pictured Left to Right: Bob Quick, myself, and my husband

This month make the commitment to get moving! After all, it is NO EXCUSES NOVEMBER! Take the first and one of the hardest steps, to make the commitment, and follow through. If you need suggestion of fun fall activities, feel free to contact me! 

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